Information and training platform for laboratory Animal science

Las interactive brings together the free information portal vtk online and the training portal las campus. The website addresses researchers, students, competent authorities, trainers as well as technical staff at Universities, independent research facilities and the industry.

Our offer


vtk onlineInformation portal

What is vtk online?

vtk online is a free information platform on laboratory animal science topics. It was developed in the framework of the funding guidelines of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on "Alternatives to animal experiments" and expanded through DFG funding.

During the implementation of EU Directive 2010/63/EU a new, modular learning and teaching concept was recommended (for information on this see under Modular training) and vtk online has been structured accordingly.


lascampusOnline courses

What las campus has to offer

People who work with laboratory animals need to be adequately trained and qualified and to undergo continuing education. For this, las campus offers various online training options. We also create modules to order and can compile modules for you for specific teaching and training purposes. Examples of what we have to offer are:

  • online courses to acquire knowledge in accordance with Annex 1 Section 3 TierSchVersV (DE: People who perform or plan and design experiments);

-- Registration with LAS interactive is essentially free of charge --

Our topics

Want to know more?
Click on our topic cards to see what is behind them!

Knowledge protects animals

Sound knowledge and skills in laboratory animal science and in animal experimental work are key to handling laboratory animals in a way that in in keeping with animal welfare and in the spirit of the 3Rs. This concerns all fields of research using animal experiments, whether field research, basic biological research, applied medical research or experiments for safety testing.


includes all measures that lead to avoidance or reduction of constraints and stresses for laboratory animals.


refers to the reduction in the number of animals needed through improved techniques and optimization of experimental planning.


refers to the replacement of animal experiments with in vitro methods or model organisms other than vertebrates.

Media center

Key data of laboratory animals

Interactively compare physiological data, blood parameters and other values on LASed.

To website

Recognize tissues and structures

Test your knowledge about different tissues of the mouse on the PC or mobile device.

To webpage

Content for registered users

Registration with LAS interactive for personal use  is essentially free of charge.

To registration

Summary of our range of services

Do you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms?

Please send us a message using the contact form or send us an email to
You can usually expect a reply within one working day.

We look forward to hearing from you

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