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las campus

General terms and conditions of use

of the "las campus" web pages

Application area and general provisions

Application area and general provisions


The Provider is liable for the content of the “las campus” under www.las-interactive.de (hereinafter “LAS interactive”).


The content of las campus is provided exclusively on the basis of these terms and conditions of use. Subsidiary agreements deviating from these terms and conditions of use, modifications and supplements are only valid with the written approval of the Provider.


LAS interactive is an information platform for laboratory animal experimentation and provides complementary online teaching materials for people who will be trained in issues relating to animal experimentation in accordance with the provisions of the German Animal Welfare Act. The content of LAS interactive follows the requirements of Annex I of the TierSchVersV and Annex V of the Directive 2010/63/EU. LAS interactive provides knowledge in treating and working with laboratory animals in accordance with animal welfare. The content is augmented by images and videos. The materials provided by LAS interactive include content generated in-house as well as foreign editorial content.


The content of las campus can either be used as the theoretical part of laboratory animal science courses or in courses and lectures as complementary teaching material.


The content of LAS interactive is provided in German, English and French.


Users can set up a user account by providing the relevant data found at http://www.las-interactive.de. This will provide users with full access to the password protected content of LAS interactive. The account will be confirmed via an e-mail sent by the administrator to the e-mail address provided by the user. Only professional email addresses or student email addresses are accepted. Exceptions can be made under special circumstances upon request. The decision will be subject to review.


Every LAS interactive user undertakes to keep their access data (user name, password) secret and not to provide third parties with access to their user account. A user account cannot be transferred to third parties. In particular, users are not entitled to provide third parties with access to the services of LAS interactive via their own user account to avoid any required fees in doing so. Every LAS interactive user is obliged to inform LAS interactive without delay if there is evidence of an abuse of their user account or if they become aware that a third party has gained unauthorised knowledge of their access data.


By providing the password and user name generated in accordance with clause 1.6, the user obtains access to the password protected content of LAS interactive at  http://www.las-interactive.de.


The technical prerequisites for using LAS interactive require an up-to-date browser and Javascript. . 


Insofar as these general terms and conditions of use refer to consumers, they are understood as natural persons whose purpose for concluding the legal transaction cannot be attributed to any of their commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 13 German Civil Code).

Conclusion of the contract

Conclusion of the contract


In addition to the free use of the (password protected and freely available) content of LAS interactive, the Provider offers also the purchase of qualification certificates subject to a charge and the setting up of respective courses. 


Before being authorised to make use of the services of the Provider subject to a charge, a respective contract between the Provider and user must be concluded. The contract can be concluded in two ways, either by means of a quote specifically drafted by the Provider for this order, or by filling out the corresponding form made available by the Provider in the password protected area of LAS interactive. Signed offers must be sent by post or fax to LAS interactive GmbH, Karl-von-Frisch Str. 8, D-35043 Marburg. Subscription forms from the password protected area of the website must be signed by the user and returned via e-mail to buchung@las-campus.de or fax to +49 6421 2828989 to the Provider. The subscriptions are binding.


The exclusive contract partner of the user is LAS interactive GmbH, Karl-von-Frisch Str. 8, 35043 Marburg, Germany.

Remuneration and forms of payment

Remuneration and forms of payment


In general, it is free to consult the web pages of LAS interactive. This also applies to the consultation of the encrypted area of LAS interactive.


An administration fee is calculated for the use of the LAS interactive exam tool and the issue of qualification certificates by the Provider. The amount depends on the time required for the relevant amount of support. A cost estimate can be asked for in specific cases via e-mail to the Provider at admin@las-interactive.de.


The Provider issues the user with an invoice specifying the accumulated administrative costs. This is due upon receipt, by the latest, within 30 days upon receipt of the invoice.


The administrative costs in accordance with clause 3.2 must be paid via bank transfer to the following bank account of the Provider:

Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf
IBAN Code DE94 5335 0000 0000 1177 81.


If the user is in default, the Provider is entitled to calculate default interest at a rate of 5 % above the corresponding base interest rate of the European Central Bank. Insofar as the user is not a consumer, the Provider is entitled to calculate default interest at a rate of 8 % above the corresponding base interest rate of the European Central Bank. The interest is due immediately. The right to assert claims for further damages is reserved by the Provider.

Compensation for damages and limitation of liability

Compensation for damages and limitation of liability

The Provider shall exclusively be liable for compensation of damages in the following cases:

a) in the event of culpably caused damages to body, life, and health;

b) if he has assumed liability and damages result from the non-fulfilment of this liability;

c) in the event of damages caused intentionally or due to gross negligence by him or his vicarious agents;

d) in the event of culpable failure to deliver or perform instead of the provision of the full service in the event of significant contractual violations;

e) in the event of breach of major contractual duties due to ordinary negligence, but limited to foreseeable damages typical of the contract;

f) in accordance with the provisions of any other mandatory statutory liability regulations, and

g) in the event of the culpable breach of secondary duties if the user can no longer be expected to accept the performance and/or if the delivery or performance is impossible.




The contents of LAS interactive are protected by copyright. Their use is exclusively authorised for the defined purposes of professional and further education. It is only permitted to consult the contents of LAS interactive online and offline using the means provided by LAS interactive. Contents intended for download are always marked as such. 


Any use or exploitation of the contents of LAS interactive protected by copyright beyond contractual purposes, in particular via reproduction, dissemination, digitization, storage – regardless of the medium used or technical form – and the transfer or forwarding to third parties, whether remunerated or not, is not allowed.


All other rights to the intellectual property of LAS interactive (including all components, parts and content thereof) as well as all further developments, modifications and translations thereof shall remain with Philipps-University Marburg and LAS interactive GmbH.

Data protection

Data protection


In the context of the enrolment in accordance with clause 1.7, it is mandatory for the user to indicate their e-mail address, institute and the password generated and to answer whether they have prior knowledge in the field of laboratory animal science. Furthermore, the professional category can be indicated on a voluntary basis.


The Provider collects, stores, modifies and transfers personal data of the user exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the activity and shall observe the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act.




These terms and conditions of use are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The location of the Provider is the exclusive place of jurisdiction – provided that this is legally allowed – for all disputes arising from and in relation to these terms and conditions of use. The Provider is, however, entitled to take legal action at the headquarters of the user.


Subsidiary agreements deviating from these terms and conditions of use, confirmations, modifications or supplements are only valid in written form, whereby the written form itself can be waived in written form only.


Should individual provisions of the contract including these terms and conditions of use be or become invalid in whole or in part or should the contract comprise an unforeseen omission which has not been anticipated, the effectiveness of the other provisions or parts of such provisions remain unaffected. The ineffective or missing provisions will be replaced by the respective legal regulations.

Date: January 2022

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